When did smoking pot get so confusing? Back in the “good old days” you’d get a fat bag of scrappy weed for $20, have no idea what it was called or how strong it was, pick out a bunch of stems and seeds, put it in a cheap metal bowl and light up. Everybody was high and happy. Now there are a gazillion different strains with non-sensical names, infused this, nano-dosed that, and a dozen different types of concentrates that all come from the same part of the plant. Can someone make things a little simpler for the ordinary consumer? Yes. Yes, we can.
There can be a lot of complex organic chemistry that goes into a thorough, in-depth understanding of cannabis, but most of that is overkill for the average consumer. Generally speaking, to keep it simple, cannabis is divided into three main classifications as far as mental and physical effects go; sativa, indica, and hybrid. Those are very basic groupings which account for the overall effects of all the various cannabinoids, terpenes, and complimentary compounds. The presence or absence of aromatic compounds called terpenes are the true determining factors in classifying weed strains, but that level of advanced chemistry is for another lecture. We’ll go slowly.
Cannabis strains that are considered SATIVAs, in general, are taller, thinner plants that grow in warmer climates. They tend to have energizing, uplifting effects that lead to an uptick in physical and mental activity, undertaking creative endeavors, and socializing. If you’re going to a party, doing housework, or beginning a new painting, a sativa is what you’re looking for. Jimi Hendrix’s famous “Purple Haze” is a legendary sativa strain that may have helped him become the guitar innovator he was. Here at Himalayan High, we have Perfect Pair and Lemon Cane flower from the Fresh Connection, Sour Diesel and Strawberry Cough vapes from J-B.A.M, and some MAC1 cured resin from Core Concentrates, to get your energetic, SATIVA buzz.
The opposite effects of the energizing euphoria of sativa strains of cannabis can be found in the Indica group. The way most knowledgable stoners remember this family of flowers is “IN-Da-Couch”. Typically presenting as shorter, bushier plants, most INDICAs come from colder climates or higher elevations. Smoking an indica often brings on a sense of physical relaxation, tranquility, and sometimes even pain relief. Whereas a sativa mostly boosts the mind, bringing you uplifting energy and creativity, indicas are best used in the evening or when you can allow yourself to relax and check out for a bit. Users often report reduction in physical pain and muscle tension, decrease in stress, and improved sleep. You can find this natural mode of indica-based relief in our Granddaddy Purple vapes from Rove, our Lemon Cherry Gelato flower from Glorious, or in London Poundcake or Cherry Cheesecake pre-rolls from At Ease cannabis.
Lastly, and most generically, are the hybrids. Flowers that fall under this umbrella are the “in-betweens”. Neither pure sativa nor pure indica, these varieties constitute the most varied group of cannabis strains. This is where the more advanced chemistry comes into play. Hybrids often have a blend of terpenes, some with more sativa-like properties for energy and creativity, with a dose of relaxation and calm. Other hybrids have physiological effects that lean more towards the relaxing, anxiety reduction of indicas, but with a touch of the giggles or creative spark. Most people prefer these strains, as the extreme effects of more pure sativa or indicas are somewhat tempered for comfort. Not too brain stimulating, but not automatic sleepytime either. When you find a hybrid you like, read the terpene list a little more carefully and look for those compounds the next time you shop. We’d recommend hybrid products like our Punchberry Cookies buds from Green Meadows, a bag of Gaspar’s Grape flower from Therapy, our Raspberry SWOG infused pre-roll from Pioneer Valley Extracts, or our Raspberry Rose LOVE gummies from KANHA.
There is a little something for everybody in the cannabis space. Different people want different effects at different times of the day. That’s the eventual goal. The days of simply “getting high” aren’t necessarily over, but we live in a more refined, sophisticated era where we can tailor what kind of high we want to feel depending on our situation. Maybe a sativa gummy in the morning to get us out of the house and on the front foot to start the day. Then a hybrid-leaning infused beverage at lunch to ease a little stress and bring some mid-day focus. At the end of the day, following dinner and after cleaning up the kitchen, a indica pre-roll might get you relaxed and ready for a movie to cap off the night. When considered thoughtfully, different types of cannabis can be used, with purpose, to great effect throughout the day. Let our bud tenders guide you on a journey through our complete menu to set your day and week up kindly. Smoke smarter.