Aside from being the title of an old J. Geils Band tune, there is truth in this brief statement. Love stinks. Roses, chocolates, candles, bubble baths, natural pheromones…. there are a lot of scents and smells associated with love, romance, and aphrodisiacs. Lots of those smells are due to aromatic compounds, called terpenes, which are primarily produced by plants. The reason roses make the heart flutter, why lavender relaxes you, why the air around pine trees is calming, and other natural reactions to fruits and flowers is based on these special hydrocarbons. Cannabis contains up to 150 of these unique substances. Read on and learn how you can take advantage of these flavors and smells to spice up things in the bedroom this Valentine’s Day.
Let’s start with the one that almost sounds like it was made for the Hallmark Holiday. Valencene. Named after Valencia oranges, this sweet, citrusy, herby terpene produces a variety of mood enhancing effects, including euphoria, alertness, heightened awareness, and anti-inflammatory properties. Feel better physically and mentally after consuming a weed strain high in valencene. A little improved mood for you and your partner, a spark of energy, and start the night out on the right foot. Humulene is similar to Valencene in effect and can be found in our store in Glue Dream and Perfect Pair
The next two, Limonene and linalool kick off our Valentine’s Day journey. Limonene is a powerful aphrodisiac that is found in the rinds of citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, and limes. Think of lemon zest as opposed to lemon juice. Upon inhalation, limonene unleashes a body-warming sense of intense euphoria that relaxes you, eases stress and gets you ready for action. Limonene can be found in significant amounts in strains like Mac 1, Lemon Cake, and Rainbow Road. Our other letter L terpene to boost your LOVE is Linalool. Found in plants like birch and lavender, Linalool is especially good for reducing stress by dropping cortisol levels in the blood. Lower cortisol levels leads to relaxed muscles, a lower heart rate, and better arousal. Stress effects us in a variety of ways, none of which are beneficial to romantic performance. On our menu, the classic Maui Wowie and MAC 1 provide linalool.
Our next two entrants in the role of cannabis-based seduction are terpinolene and beta-caryophyllene. Both are metabolism boosters that will give you the extra energy and stamina you’re looking for on this special day. Terpinolene, found in lots of culinary spices such as oregano, rosemary, and cilantro is known to contribute to an invigorating feeling and will give you an energy kick from increased metabolism. Find terpinlene in strains like, Gas Leak and Lemon Cake. Beta-caryophyllene, besides being a metabiolism booster for more energy and endurance, also improves blood flow where you want it for better, longer lasting performance. This is one of the more common terpenes in cannabis and can be found in high amounts in MAC, Rainbow Road, and Glue Dream.
Use your knowledge and understanding of cannabis chemistry to improve the chemistry between you and your special someone this February 14th. Smoke some carefully chosen grass before you go for that roll in the hay. The right combination of aromas and smells in your cannabis might make the holiday a little sweeter. Knowledge is power, and power is sexy.